Anna Giulia Cattaneo
DBSM - University of Insubria, Via J-H Dunant 3 - 21000 Varese.
Falls and gait or balance instability represent a major
risk of invalidity in aged persons, and a cause of anxiety.
The increasing frequency of falls in older people is directly
linked to the peculiar frailty of this group of individuals,
and recognizes a wide number of underlying conditions, directly
linked to the senile frailty, or due to associated diseases.
A fall occurring later in life has usually more serious consequences,
and can be life threatening: not only fractures, but even
lacerations, internal traumas and injuries to soft tissues
can recovery slowly and require more expensive care than when
comparable events occur in younger subjects.
Permanent additional frailty and even invalidity after healing
are frequently seen. Sitting on a wheelchair introduces an
additional risk of dangerous falls. The awareness of the older
patients to be at risk for falls, in turn, enhances anxiety
and reduces the spontaneous mobility; it can affect negatively
the social relationships and the quality of life. The shift
from an active through a sedentary lifestyle himself can be
deleterious, enhancing the risk for osteoporosis, overweight,
depression and isolation, all conditions potentially enhancing
the risk of serious consequences after falls.
This problem is a hot topic in the field of socio-sanitary
care of elderly. A number of institutions for health control
support researches and encourage social measures aimed to
prevent falls and their consequences, to improve recovery
and promote active ageing.
All the four Regional Office of the World Health Organization
propose a program for "active ageing". Two points
at the program of the Regional Office of Europe mention the
need of ensuring autonomous and safe walking in streets. Promoting
exercise schedules to avoid lack of mobility in elderly is
also recommended. The National Institute of Health of USA
provides at the present day supervision and financial support
to at least 23 clinical trials to study, prevent and repair
the causes and consequences of falls and/or promote active
lifestyle in elderly people. Trials are worldwide distributed:
8 are ongoing and recruiting patients in USA and Central America;
2 in Commonwealth countries, namely Canada and Australia;
2 in Asia (Japan and Taiwan); 1 in the Middle East (Israel)
and 6 in Europe (France, Netherlands, Switzerland and Norway).
More than 6500 patients and controls are expected to be recruited.
The European Community granted in 2007 two studies on elderly,
in near fields of interest (abuse on elderly and active life
promotion, in Sweden and Austria). In Italy, the ISS (Istituto
Superiore di Sanità) and the CNR (National Council
for Researches) do not publish ongoing researches in this
area, at least in their web portals.
From the cohort of planned research one will expect better
knowledge of risk factors for falls and higher ability in
recognizing and supporting "at risk" patients. Preventive
and rehabilitative programs will be more personalized and
focused on problems actually existing in the case in question.
The expected result should be a consistent amelioration of
quality of life for the old person at risk, a reduced burden
for the caregivers and for the society.
Accurate diagnostic measures are proposed to evaluate a large
range of risk factors. Those included in the disorders affecting
the cardiovascular system are not considered, representing
a too large group. Instead, the diagnostic procedures at the
emergency room should be modified in order to identify subjects
at risk of further falls or near-fall. Impaired mobility associated
to mental illness (impaired cognitive function and dementia,
depression and anxiety) will be distinctively treated from
impaired function with cognitive adequacy, as is the case
in somatosensory defects (proprioception, visual and vestibular
function. Neural disease more frequent later in life, like
the stroke and its sequelae, the Parkinson's disease and some
types of seizures can adversely affect the ability to move
and walk independently, while the use of a wheelchair is in
itself a risk factor for falls. All these conditions will
be selectively considered by the planned studies. Medications
and their side effects on gait, balance and walking abilities
are considered, as well as their discontinuation, as adequate.
Joint, bone and muscle defects in mass, strength and function
are carefully studied.
A study at the Karolinska Institutet (Stockholm, Sweden)
should be cited apart from the other, being a large multinational
survey on the abuse of the elder, a not uncommon cause of
traumas in frail persons possibly confused with accidents.
I n addition to a better understanding of the underlying
physiology of walking and falling processes, the rehabilitative
programs are planned in order to optimize the quality of life
and the functional recovery of older people, and to reduce
expenses and social burden. Selected, abovementioned risk
factors require specialized approach, in which the use of
modern computerized technologies for walking, gait and balance
evaluation and training are often of great value.
However, a great attention is paid on general, multifactorial
intervention programs aimed to ameliorate the active life
in older ages. Schedules selectively studied to face the needs
of the oldest individuals are proposed and evaluated. The
easy accessibility to sporting clubs, not only a day's fashion,
should be precious to obtain durable results in fitness in
old ages. Physical training is usually proposed in small groups,
with professional trainers and medical counselling; regular
home exercise will be added to session at the sporting club.
Studies consider as beneficial even non traditional approaches
to active life, like aquatic exercise (considered to be especially
beneficial after hip fractures), chiropractic care and yoga:
the common aim is to improve gait, mobility and muscle elasticity
and prevent osteoporosis. The beneficial effects on cardiovascular,
mental and psychological conditions are postulated as a part
of the treatment.
These studies depict a very living and interesting field
of interest, from which a very real improvement of knowledge
and care should be expected. As a conclusive remarks, and
personal opinion, I regret that the policy of research institutions
in our country does not permit to know ongoing researches
through open database, and does not give any opportunity for
recruiting cases in the web. The most recent trial reported
in the portal of the CNR is a large survey launched in a parallel
field and promoted in 1999 by the Institute for Research on
Population and Social Policies (CNR, Roma). A more open access
to researches is not threatening for the privacy of the studies
in USA; it should be safe even in Italy. And it should be
a sign of confidence that every citizen should appreciate
and endorse.
Anna Giulia Cattaneo
DBSM - University of Insubria, Via J-H Dunant 3 - 21000 Varese.
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