Anna Giulia Cattaneo, M.D.
Anemia appears to be frequent
in aged people, with higher prevalence of anemia of chronic
diseases (ACD). However, wide discrepancy exists between different
epidemiological studies, because of differences in sample
selection and probably the low degree of accuracy in differential
diagnosis. In recent years, attention has been focused on
the search of simple, possibly non-expensive, powerful methods
to reach accurate diagnosis. Among them, the possibility to
routinely measure s-MMA in folate and vitamin B12 deficit,
or sTfR to discriminate between ACD and iron deficiency anemia
(IDA) in microcytic anemias, or the use of advanced, robuste
statistic to evaluate simple and routinary laboratory values
by means of multivariate analysis, appears to be most promising.
Finding of new markers of pre-anemic states and the study
of their evolutive processes should be of interest for prevention.
The prevalence of anemia in the elderly, even as a mild condition,
not associated to evident hematological pathologies, is an
interesting parameter for its possible link with avoidable
conditions (like inadequate food, vitamins and microelements
assumption and assimilation), and for its impact with the
welfare of frail organisms. The clinical relevance of this
disorder, as well as underliyng causes, are not completely
understood, while anemia and mortality appears to be directly
related in aging (1,2). No markers of alterations of erythrocyte
physiology and production clearly related to aging have been
stated, nor even is it clear if laboratory hematological
values need to be adjusted to the age. Authors do not agree
with the attitude to treat all the Hb and /or Hct variations
in the oldest people, but the incomplete knowledge of basic
mechanisms could make the prevention of true pathological
forms ineffective.
Erithrocyte physiology in the elderly has not been studied
in all its aspects. An unusual finding we have observed in
old people (age: 73-101 years) free from anemic fingerprints,
is reduced microviscosity (eta ) of hemoglobin-free erithrocyte
ghosts, measured as fluorescence anisotropy of a rod-like
probe (1,6 diphenyl - 1,3,5 - hexatriene, DPH). Steady-state
temperature-dependent variations appears to be similar to
that observed in younger people. The reported parameter (eta
) is strictly dependent, in experimental conditions, from
lipids composition of the bilayer of cellular envelope. While
not directly related to alterations of elastic properties
of the red cell, abnormal is proved to alter protein aggregation
in the bilayer and to be in dependance of the presence of
lipoperoxidants or lipoperoxidation products in the bilayer,
conditions that are able to influence rheological properties
of red cells (3). In our patients, no evidences of altered
routine and hematological parameters, included the osmotic
resistance of red blood cells, has been found, but rheological
parameters have not been studied. The clinical relevance of
the alteration we have observed remains unexplained: it should
be considered a marker of aging itself, or of an even undetectable
form of anemia.
Epidemiological studies
Everyone professionally involved in the care of aged people
could note the presence of anemic fingerprints in such patients
as an unusually frequent alteration, but the study of the
true clinical relevance of this phenomenon, its frequence
and severity, requires the use of well planned sample selection
and robust statistics. Results could be intuitively differents
if subjects are choiced between hospital inpatients, nursing
home residents, outpatients affering to a specialized clinic
or to a general practitioner, or even randomly selected between
residents in a defined region. Other characteristics of selected
people, like sex prevalence, altitude of the abitual residence,
usual alimentation and motion, and others, could be influent
on results.
From epidemiological studies on large numbers of aged subjects,
performed in the last decades, wide discrepancy has been observed,
expecially when attention has been focused on the prominent
types of anemia: the anemia of chronic diseases (ACD) appears
to be the most frequent diagnosis in old subjects, while the
prevalence of iron deficiency anemia (IDA) varies from 0 or
0.4% up to 22% (4,5). Recent studies confirm the low frequency
of this type of anemia in old people, at least in western
countries, in which the contrary - and namely a tendency to
higher iron stores - seems to be the most prominent feature
(6). Even if diagnostic criteria of anemia (7) are not fulfilled,
lower levels of hemoglobin or altered hematological parameters
are frequently observed in old subjects. According to several
authors the large number of cases in which underlying causes
of anemia are not found suggest a need for a more accurate
diagnostic procedures instead of age-adjusted hematological
values (1,8,9). There is disagreement about the necessity
to treat or not the mildest cases without evident causality,
but the prevalent trend is not to treat. However, in selected
cases, a precocious treatment seems to ameliorate the prognosis
and even reduce the mortality: it should be the case, for
example, of old, anemic subjects with acute miocardial infarction
(10), patients with early chronic renal failure (CRF)(11),
and those with poor food, vitamin or oligoelements assumption
(12,13). A summary of the most preminent epidemiological studies
is reported in Table 1.
Ethiopathological diagnosis
In addition to the classical diagnostic approach to anemic
patients, exhaustive in the majority of cases, a number of
specific tests have been proposed to improve diagnosis, extend
it to subclinical cases, or simplify the diagnostic iter.
The most interesting among them are those requiring simplified,
minimally expensive and invasive procedures, and those focused
on specific aspects of the types of anemias more frequently
seen later in life (Table 2).
The possibility to use well planned, powerful computerized
analysis is of great interest in all diagnostic fields, included
that here discussed. As an exemple, the multivariate analysis
proposed by Shiga et al. (22) provided good diagnostic approximation
requiring only routinely and automatically measured parameters:
a rapid screen should be provided, limiting the use of more
specialistic and expensive tests to true pathological findings
of relevance. A strong link between Hb and Hct, as between
MCV and MCHC has been demonstrated; diagnostic accuracy of
77% has been reached with only one hypothesis admitted, higher
score (100%) with two most probable hypothesis allowed. However,
by introducing a third variable (such age and sex) the predictivity
with one hypothesis admitted is improved. This statistical
test should be validate in untested conditions (like subjects
treated for anemia or related diseases): aging is one of them.
By considering the most frequent types of anemia seen in
old patients, it appears to be important, in the view of its
therapeutic implications, to use a sensitive test to discriminate
iron deficiency anemia (IDA) from anemia of chronic diseases
(ACD), or to assess the influence of IDA on ACD, when they
cohexist. A recently proposed version of soluble transferrin
receptors (sTfR) determination for the routine laboratory,
and its ratio to ferritin seems highly promising in this regard
A special remark should be reserved to the anemia of chronic
renal failure (CRF). The prevalence of CRF is so high in the
elderly, that it is not incorrect to consider it as a general
problem. When anemia is also present, it should be due to
a variety of causes, often coexisting: occult blood losses
through the urologic apparatus can cause IDA, chronic pyelonephritis
is associated with ACD, hyperhemolysis, chronic DIC and hyperparathyroidism
are additional causes of anemia. However, the so-called anemia
of CRF is well characterized as a hypoproliferative syndrome
in which marrow hypoplasia is secondary to low levels of erythropoietin
(EPO), probably linked to parenchymal damage of the kidney.
The therapeutical response to exogenous EPO differentiates
this syndrome from that due to ACD, but it could be lacking
if the marrow is refractory because of iron deficiency. For
this reason, accurate diagnosis of IDA concomitant with CRF
is important.
Vitamin B12 and folate deficiency with its consequences and
causes is of special interest in older patients. Low serum
levels of folate have been found in 5 or 29 % old patients
with psychiatric disorders, being lower in subjects with dementia
(30); erithrocytic folate was low in 13% of 200 patients of
a geriatric unit (25). One reason for that could be poor nutrition,
in addition to gastric and enteric hyatrogenic alterations.
Prevalence of low B12 in large samples of differently selected
aged subjects varied between 2,2 and 40.5 % (19,25,30,31).
Only in few cases, however, values are found in true pathological
range or with hematological signs of the defect (19,25,31).
The necessity to introduce age-modified values of B12 is discussed,
but not advised (32). On the contrary, the introduction of
a test like MMA determination in urine (31) or in serum (19,
24,26,28,32) as a means for subclinical and early diagnosis
appears to be more promising. The importance to detect as
early as possible a deficiency of B12 in the elderly is motivated
also by the implications ascribed to it in determining cognitive
impairement and dementia, in the case of subclinical defect
too. The use of a modified Schilling's test, namely that performed
by the administration of B12 bound to nutritional proteins
(32), or the desoxyuridine suppression test (24-27) should
be confined to cases requiring more extensive study of underlying
causes, or of therapeutical response.
Another class of diseases associated with anemia, more frequently
seen in the elderly, are the myelodysplastic syndromes, very
rare in the young, in which they are usually secondary to
toxic agents. The French-American-British (FAB) classification,
recently validated by WHO (33), requires bone marrow biopsy:
it is an aid to describe the disease and guide therapeutical
choices, but has only weak prognostic value (refractory anemia,
RA, can be fatal for extreme pancytopenia, whithout reaching
the leukemic state). Therapy, however, is often disappointing,
expecially in the old patient. The possibility to genetically
characterize the cells, and to point out patterns of "in
vitro" growth linked to prognosis, improves our knowledge
of the syndrome, while the MRD phenotyping adds some more
precision to the therapeutical approach (29). The prognostic
value of apoptotic vs hypoproliferative cells has beeen recently
stated in idiopatic myelofibrosis (34)
In conclusion, accurate diagnosis of all causes of anemia
even in the old and very old subject is desirable, and stigmatizing
low Hb levels as "physiological" and unavoidable
consequences of aging appears to be naïve. As a consequence
there is no need for modified range values in older people
in the majority of cases. Better examination of individual
cases could in the future reduce the prevalence of anemia
due to undiagnosed causes in this class of age, and improve
the therapeutical approach. In contrast, the search for precocious
markers of hematologic alterations. In the same manner, all
new diagnostic procedures, requiring minimally expensive and
invasive techniques, and useful for extensive and routine
application, leading to improved diagnosis, should be quickly
standardized and introduced into practice.
An alphabetic list of abbreviations used in this work
ACD: anemia of chronic diseases; B12: vitamin B12, or cobalamin;
BFU-E: erythroid burst-forming unit; CFU-E: erythroid colony-forming
unit; CMML: chronic myeloid monomyelocitic leukemia; CRF:
chronic renal failure; DIC: disseminated intravascular coagulation;
2,3 DPG: 2,3 diphosphoglucose; DPH: 1,6 diphenyl-1,3,5-hexatriene;
: microviscosity (poise); EPO: erythropoietin; FAB: French-American-British;
G6PDH: glucose-6-pohsphate dehydrogenase; Fe: iron; Hb: hemoglobin
concentration (g/dl); Hct: % hematocrit, IDA: iron deficiency
anemia; IL-1 : interleukin 1- ; IRD: iron reserve depletion;
MCH: mean corpuscular hemoglobin; MCHC: mean corpuscular hemoglobin
concentration; MCV: mean corpuscular volume; MMA: methylmalonic
acid; MRD: multiple resistant drug; PP: platelets; RA: refractory
anemia; RAEB: refractory anemia with excess of blats; RAEB-T:
refractory anemia with excess of blasts transformed; RARS:
RA with ringed sideroblasts; RBC: red blood cells; s-: serum;
sTfR: soluble Transferrin receptors; TIBC: total iron binding
capacity; TNF : tumor necrosis factor ; u-: urinary; WBC:
white blood cells; WHO (or OMS): World Health Organization
(or Organisation Mondial de la Santè).
Table 1 Prevalence of anemia in old subjects
32 13
et al.(15)
et al.(4)
34 21
et al.(16)
Hb, Hct
et al.(8)
et al.(17)
Hb, Fe, ferritin, s-TIBC
Joosten et al.(9)
24 25
et al.(5)
8 7
et al.(18)
et al.(19)
USA Fram-ingham)
Hb, Hct, MCV
Nilsson-Ehle H. et al. (20)
@ 28.3
Spyckerel-le Y. et al. (21)
@ 3.3
C. et al(13)
(a) WHO criteria for anemia: Hb 13 g/dl for ?, Hb 12 g/dl
for ? (WHO - Nutritional anemias - Techn. Rep. Ser. 503, 1972.
See Addendum for abbreviations.
Table 2 Tests for anemia in addition to classical diagnostic
Tests or para- meters
Anemia, various types
compo-nent computerized analysis;
concord-ance with clinical diagnosis: 77-100%
Shiga et al. (22)
STfR, sTfR:fer-ritin ratio
Microcytic anemia
addition to ferritin: differen-tiation of
IDA and ACD; diagnosis
of IRD, aplastic
ane-mia, hemolytic ane-mia
in Fe overload, myelodysplastic syndromes,macro-cytic
anemia. Pre-diction of EPO response
in CRF.
Mast et al. (23)
u- or s-MMA,
Schilling’s test, B12 bound to nutritional pro-t
eins; Desoxyuridine
suppression test
and folate deficit, also sub-clinical
Blundell et al.
Colon-Otero et
al. (26)
Karnaze & Carmel
Stabler et al.
G6PDH, 5q-syndrome, n-ras
gene mutation, “in vitro” clusters forming cells (in
Myelodysplastic syndromes
FAB classification,
clinical and thera-peutical implic-ations (RA,RARS,
Besa (29)
ane-mia in the elderly
BFUE normal. En-hanced 2,3DPG (facilitates O2 dis-sociation from re-duced Hb.
Lipschitz et al. (4)
Abbreviations in Addendum.
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